Vision & Strategy Is there a clear EDI strategy document?* Select an option
Goals & Targets Are there defined goals/targets?* Select an option
Is there evidence of review and reporting processes?* Select an option
Leadership & Accountability Examples of senior leadership actions supporting diversity and inclusion (please describe):
Are there relevant leadership policies (e.g., Chief Diversity Officer)?* Select an option
Learning & Celebrating Examples of ongoing training opportunities to celebrate diversity (please describe):
Making a Bigger Difference Evidence of networks and organizations supported (please describe):
Examples of collaboration activities:
Assessment, Measurement & Research Evidence of appropriate use of tools for EDI measurement (please describe):
Recruitment, Development & Advancement Examples of recruitment efforts and development opportunities for diverse groups (please describe):
Employment Conditions Examples of well-utilized flexible employment conditions (e.g., part-time, job-sharing, paid leave) (please describe):
Infrastructure & Implementation Examples of infrastructure that supports diversity (e.g., toilets for LGBT, faith rooms, signs in different languages) (please describe):
Employee Engagement & Inclusion Is there a regular employee feedback mechanism (e.g., surveys) regarding diversity and inclusion?* Select an option
Retention & Career Progression Does the organization monitor retention rates for diverse groups?* Select an option
Are there equal opportunities for promotion and leadership roles for diverse employees?* Select an option
External Recognition & Benchmarking Has the organization received any awards or recognition for EDI efforts?* Select an option